These cotton bags are made by hand. This print comes with the star and heart. We will deliver the print we have in stock now.
HAZEL'S GAME watch on Youtube
This is Hazel's game. So how do you play? You throw the five tinny pillows that are playing pieces on the floor, then you through one in the air and while is in the air you pick one more from the ground.
Step two
You're going to get the tinny pillows, throw them on the floor, then you through one in the air and and pick up two at a time. Pick up two then pick up two more.
Step three
Pickup one tinny pillow then pick up three.
Step four
Now pick up all four tinny pillows.
Step five
With all the tinny pillows in your hand pick up one of them, throw it in the air and brush your index finger on the floor.
Step six
Now you're going to throw one by one in the air and drop one by one on the floor
Step seven
This is the hardest step.
Make an arch with your left hand and cross the other fingers on top so while you throw in the air one tinny pillow, you slide one by one of the others that are on the floor through the arch.
So the game is played like this... If you make a mistake in any of the rounds you have to give up your turn and hand the game to the other player so he will continue from where you stopped.
Hazel's Game
The stuff-pillow is filled with rice, therefore it should not be washed