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Grandma Grace's Farm

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03 Grandmas Farm - Final.jpg


We create music, storytelling and opportunities to help children interpret the book and unlock child's imagination through freedom of thought and exploration through play.

Decoupage is a movie industry method of organizing ideas and text, which opens up creativity while promoting self-knowledge and critical thinking. We adapted this method to help children dive deep into this book.

We adapted this method for using the book in the classroom. Creative and reciprocal storytelling can empower children, by giving them a voice and encouraging them to become participants in the stories and gain self-awareness. This process helps children develop imagination, as participants they become active creators of their own knowledge as they develop new ideas and thoughts.  Children are wired to have innate curiosity about the world and its mechanism. Giving children ample opportunities to listen and to partake with stories that are evocative and relevant can help them to embark on an early journey of discovery, inquiry and self-directed learning. Children are more engaged when learning is authentic and meaningful to them. As children create their own versions and/or endings to stories, as they consider resolving conflicts in stories they develop problem solving skills and critical thinking; they learn to hypothesize and draw conclusions.

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